Fifth and Sixth day! - Reisverslag uit Lesbos, Griekenland van Employees The Student Hotel - Fifth and Sixth day! - Reisverslag uit Lesbos, Griekenland van Employees The Student Hotel -

Fifth and Sixth day!

Door: Kirsten & Vincent

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Employees

13 Maart 2016 | Griekenland, Lesbos

The fifth day we started off a bit later than normally. The group came together at 11 am to travel all the way the the north of the island. We had lunch over there in the harbour where it all happened a few months ago. Around 200.000 refugees arrived there, which was really strange to understand because it was so peaceful and quiet over there now. To realise how many people came there we went to a place where all the live vests were located. Approximately 400.000 live vest on a big field. Joost explained us that almost 80% of the vests are fake, which means that they are made in Turkey and you will just sink when you come into the water. After we walked around there for a while we went back to the harbour to help the others out with the daily routine and we played some football with refugee kids for a few hours. We had dinner quit early and went to bed right after to try and get some sleep because we were starting the sixth day early in the morning.

At 3:00 am we came together to go to the beach and they were expecting a lot of new boats. After some waiting we got the message that the first boats were arriving, some of us directly moved to the place were they came and others were staying at the base. At around 6:00 we saw our first boats. We prepared everything on the land and signalled to the boat that they were able to land with us. It was such a crazy experience to see how happy all the people were. Hard to explain what you feel at a moment like that. After the first days there came 2 more boats directly so it was quite busy. When all the people went into the busses to the camp we directly went to the harbour because there were 2 boats leaving in the morning. We gave out food and drinks to everyone but since we were so busy at the beach we were quit late. We came home at 11:00 and spend the day sleeping, woke up in the evening and went to dinner with a few people from the team again.

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Actief sinds 27 Feb. 2016
Verslag gelezen: 1203
Totaal aantal bezoekers 3549

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07 Maart 2016 - 15 Maart 2016

TSH Volunteering Camp

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